Marketing Plan & Strategic Workflow

Where are you going and how do you plan to get there…?

Navigating this new world can become overwhelming with new tools, endless DIY marketing tips and tricks, and changes in audience behaviours, which can be challenging. However, know, you are not alone in this journey.

Whether you are an emerging independent dance artist, collective/group, organization or dance professional, Dance Umbrella of Ontario (DUO) can help you plan an overall brand strategy for your short-term projects or long-term growth. If you want to get a head’s start, here are some things to think about:

  • What are your goals?
  • What is your course of action?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • Do you have a timeline?
  • What does your marketing ecosystem look like – what communication channels are you using?
  • What Is Your Value Proposition?

Ultimately, your marketing plan is a living, breathing document that will evolve. It provides a clear direction to help arts leaders prioritize and formulate tactics to support their marketing goals based on historical knowledge to attract new audiences and build long-term relationships with patrons and stakeholders. It doesn’t need to be fancy or attractive or super long. A simple Word document is sufficient! Leave it to the other communication channels to get creative with the execution tactics.

We may not be able to predict what the future lies ahead, but we can be proactive and make plans that will align our business decision-making that will be pivotal to accomplish our marketing goals.

Did we get you thinking or wondering what you can put on paper? Feel free to book a FREE one-hour consultation with our Marketing Coordinator at